Delivery of Marine Lubricants amidst COVID-19

McLarens Lubricants Ltd has taken all the health safety precautions to prevent and control the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic during marine lubricants deliveries at the port and off port limits following the WHO and SL-GOV Health Ministry guidelines during the lock down situation in Sri Lanka.

All bulk supplies from IBC Tanks along with the delivery lorries have been disinfected, with the required measures and standards per the guidelines. All IBC tanks per delivery have been covered using special covers before leaving the warehouse while all handling is done with the employees at warehouse taking all the protective measures. Hence contactless deliveries are made on the IBC Tanks at Import / OPL to the Vessels and no contacts are made with the ship’s crew during the delivery. Further delivery team has taken all the precautions in wearing masks / gloves and all personnel protective equipment and always maintain the standard social distance in signing the documents at in port deliveries.

All staff drivers and personnel involved in the deliveries, the body temperature is checked every day at the time of reporting to duty and prior to the deliveries. Hence, we guarantee that all the protective measures are taken during all our supplies for marine.

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McLarens Lubricants Limited
#284 Vauxhall Street, Colombo 02, Sri Lanka.


Phone: +94 11 496 7474
 No. 341, Union Place, Colombo 02.

Industrial / Marine

Phone: +94 11 432 1180
No. 284 Vauxhall Street, Colombo 02.

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